Redrock and Bullhead Lakes

What a magnificent hike Redrock Falls and Lake and Bullhead Lake is! Commanding views of mountains, lakes, waterfalls and wildlife.
Que magnífica caminhada até o lago e quedas de Redrock (Pedra Vermelha) e o lago Bullhead (Cabeça de Touro) esta é! Vistas impressionantes de montanhas, lagos, cachoeiras e animais selvagens.
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This is a fairly easy trail passing by a series of small lakes and creeks. Esta é uma trilha razoalmente fácil e que passa por vários lagos e riachos. : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 263 DSC05154 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 264 DSC03684 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 265 DSC03685 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 266 DSC03686 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 267 DSC05156 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  Mount Grinnell, Mount Swiftcurrent and Swiftcurrent Glacier dominate the scene at Redrock Lake. O Monte Grinnell, Monte Swiftcurrent e a geleira Swiftcurrent dominam o cenário no Lago Redrock (Pedra Vermelha). : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 269 DSC03689 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  The falls will be at the other end of the lake. As cataratas estão no outro lado do lago. 
Redrock Falls. As Quedas Redrock (Pedra Vermelha). : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 272 DSC03692 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 273 DSC03694 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  There were lots of different butterflies along the lake shore. Havia uma variedade enorme de borboletas às margens do lago. : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 275 DSC03695 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 276 DSC05166 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 277 DSC03696 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  We begin our ascent to Redrock Falls. Começamos a subida para as Quedas Redrock (Pedra Vermelha). : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  When you get closer to the falls, you understand its name. Ao chegar perto das quedas, pode-se compreender o nome. : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014 
Rocks are really red. As pedras são mesmo vermelhas. : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 281 DSC03702 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 282 DSC03704 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  We spent some time exploring off trail here. Passamos um tempinho explorando fora da trilha. : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 284 DSC03706 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 285 DSC03707 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 286 DSC03708 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  From the top of the falls, a full view of Redrock Lake. No topo das quedas dá pra ver o Lago Redrock (Pedra Vermelho) todo. : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 289 DSC03712 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014 
GNP2014 288 DSC03711 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  Panoramic video of lake and falls. Vídeo panorâmico do lago e quedas.  GNP2014 291 DSC03713 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 292 DSC03714 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 293 DSC03715 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  GNP2014 294 DSC03716 : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  On to Bullhead Lake now. Prosseguimos ao Lago Bullhead (Cabeça de Touro). : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  This area is known for its wildlife: bears, dear, moose, etc. Esta área é conhecida pelos animais selvagens: ursos, veados, alces, etc. : Glacier NP, Redrock Lake and Falls, vacation 2014  One of those fun bridges... Uma daquelas pontes legais... 
Thankfully, the only thing that crossed our path was a deer family: mom and two fawns. Felizmente, a única coisa que cruzou o nosso caminho foi uma família de cervos: mãe e dois filhotes. : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  They were coming right towards us and were not afraid of us.We remained very, very still. Eles vinham diretamente na nossa direção e sem medo de nós. Ficamos parados como estátuas. : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  GNP2014 300 P1010051 : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  Bullhead Lake. Lago Bullhead (Cabeça de Touro). : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  The lake gives incredible views of Mount Wilbur and Swiftcurrent Glacier. O lago nos dá vistas impressionantes do Monte Wilbur e Geleira Swiftcurrent. : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  GNP2014 303 DSC03720 : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  Swiftcfurrent Glacier. Geleira Swiftcurrent. : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  GNP2014 305 DSC03722 : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  GNP2014 306 DSC03723 : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014 
GNP2014 307 P1010054 : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  Bullhead Lake video. Vídeo do lago Bullhead (Cabeça de Touro).  Mountais and glacier around the lake. Montanhas e geleira em volta do lago.  GNP2014 310 DSC03725 : Bullhead Lake, Glacier NP, vacation 2014  The total hike was 7.3 miles roundtrip with only a 584-ft elevation gain. A caminha de ida e volta foi de 11,75 km e com apenas 178 metros de elevação.